Monday, February 25, 2008

TAG! You're It!!!

I took a peek this morning at one of Michelle Sutton's recent posts. If you don't know who Michelle is, she is the Edgy Inspirational Author, and she writes and reviews a lot--A LOT!!!!-of Christian fiction. If you don't believe me when I say "A LOT!!!", take a look at her "What I'm Reading..." list. I don't know how she does it.

Anyhoo, the particular post I read was from last week--February 23rd, to be exact--and it sounded so fun I'm going to start the tag here. Here's how it works (although I'm changing it up just a bit):

1. Grab the book you are currently reading and turn to p. 123
2. Go to the 5th sentence
3. Post the next 3 sentences
4. Tell the name of the book and author
5. Tag 5 others

Michelle's tag said to grab the nearest book, but I want to know what you're currently reading whether it's nearby or not.

Okay, here's mine:

"I'm afraid I must, Miss Coleson." Katie firmly withdrew her hand from Blanche's grasp.

"You must call me Blanche." She took one step backward.

Catching Katie, by Robin Lee Hatcher

Well, I must say that I was hoping for something a little different than that. Maybe I should've gone to p. 124. Taken out of context, this sounds as if something fishy is going on between these two ladies! I've read the book before, so I assure you Robin, who is one of my absolute favorite authors, has not written anything inappropriate!!! This book, in fact, is one of the reasons I love Robin. It's quite dreamy.

Alrighty then! So I am tagging Jenster, Becky, Deb, Shauna, and Angela! Tag, ladies, you are IT!


The Daily Bee said...

sounds as if something fishy is going on between these two ladies!

Hahahahaha!! Hilarious! I'll post tonight when I get home, left my book at home so that I wouldn't be tempted to read it on the job. lol

Shauna said...

LOL! I've read that book, too, and loved it. My other favorite of hers is Speak to Me of Love. Soooo awesome! Have you read it?

I'll go grab my book and try to get it posted to today.

Katybug said...

Deb, what a wise woman you are, fleeing temptation before it even arrives! ;-) I saw what you're reading posted on your you love it? I did!!!

Shauna, are you kidding??? Catching Katie and Speak to Me of Love are my two most favoritest RLH books!!! LOVE THEM!!! Can't wait to see what you're reading!

angela said...

I love CATCHING KATIE. And Robin is talking at our writer's group next month...neiner, neiner. So, thanks for tagging me. I just started a new book tonight so I'll post on my blog. Hope all is going well with little bit #2.

Jenster said...

Looks like a good book!

I'll get right on that. :O)

Angela - To quote Napolean Dynamite as Becky and I often do, Lucky. Gosh.

Katybug said...

Oh Angela, I must confess to some envy. If you know Robin well enough to give her a hug, give her one from me. I ADORE her! And not just her books...I check out her blog regularly too.

Jenster, it WAS a great book...just finished it...AGAIN! Well worth the read. :-)