Thursday, April 17, 2008

My Own Personal Presidential Candidate

I never really considered myself First Lady material. After all, I'm waaaaaay too casual to dress in a suit every day. If I was First Lady, jeans and flip-flops would be the new business suit, and I see that going over about as well as a pregnant polevaulter! Additionally, I'm not terribly interested in politics. I get way too irritated and angry because some of the people in office say and do some of the stupidest, most ignorant things ever imagined and there's not one thing I can do about any of it, except to cast my vote to get them out of office. But The HOFFER has made a post on his blog that, pretty much, gives his candidacy speech. I don't know exactly how serious he is about all this, but there are his thoughts on how this great nation of ours should be run in black and white. It's okay to disagree...I'm not going to refuse to speak with someone just because we don't believe the same way. (If we all believed the exact same thing, one of us wouldn't be necessary.) So go over and read what The HOFFER has to say about being President of the United States of America. Little Bit will love you forever if you vote for him...she's already making plans to move to D.C., remodel the White House and call it the Rainbow House. I don't know how I would feel about it all...guess I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. :-)


Anonymous said...

Hi Katy:

We are in Dallas and I am watching you sleep. You sleep really pretty. I snuck my hand onto your belly this morning to try to feel the baby. It must be asleep too! I love you so much. Getting your endorsement and vote is really all I need.

The Daily Bee said...

Aw, how sweet!

As for you being the first lady, I say go for it! You would rock... or at least look good while doing it! lol

Katybug said...

Isn't he the best? :-) Thanks for the compliment, Deb! I don't think I would be seen much, given that I would have a new baby that needs to eat and sleep a lot. I would probably be doing a lot of that same stuff myself!!! :-)