Saturday, November 17, 2007

More Video

My blogger buddy Jenster posted a Barlow Girl video on her blog today. Barlow Girl is one of my favorite bands, and these girls really know how to rock! Go check out the video for their song "Grey" from their CD "Another Journal Entry". If you get a chance to listen to--BUY--the CD, it's well worth it. Not a bad song in the mix!

In continuing with favorite music videos, I am posting one from a favorite singer from the 80s-90s. Maybe you have heard of Steve Taylor...maybe not. He wasn't someone that was played regularly on Christian radio stations, but certainly not because he wasn't any good. His music pretty much defies classification. But regardless of his style, he always made his point. To get his point, you had to be a little clued in on current events. I always felt like my IQ shot up about 150 points whenever I listened to one of his albums (and believe me, my IQ needed the boost!). This song is called "Lifeboat", and there's a brief synopsis of the song and how it came to be.

And now, ladies and gentlemen, for your listening and viewing pleasure, I give you Steve Taylor.


Becky said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wasn't Steve Taylor the one who did "Meltdown at Madame Tussauds?"

It's been years since I've even thought of him (I know, sacrelige!)...what ever became of him anyway?

Katybug said...

YES!!!! Meltdown is STILL one of my favorite songs!!! I don't know exactly what he's doing these days. I do know he has worked with Newsboys on many of their songs. He also helped write the theme song for "Jonah, A VeggieTales Movie". You can still find some of his older albums on Ebay. I have a compilation/greatest hits album of his. The liner notes alone are worth the purchase price!