Thursday, November 13, 2008

Bits of Updates

Get it? I made a BIT of a joke there...small pun...remember? I call my girls Little Bit and Baby Bit? Okay, so it's not THAT funny. I got a giggle out of it.

So my girls are doing well. Baby Bit is two months old now, 10 pounds, 8 ounces, and 23 inches long...or tall. Everyone who sees her comments on how tiny she is, but she is, according to her pediatrician, tall (75th percentile for height) and healthy (50th percentile for weight). She had her first set of vaccines on Tuesday, and she did not like them ONE LITTLE BIT (no, I was not trying to make another "bit" pun.). She is a sensitive little girl; when she gets cold, it's to the bone and she cries bitterly to let us know she needs a blanket. When she feels pain, it is very intense. Little Bit handled her first shots pretty well, but not so much Baby Bit. She had a tough night getting over them. I gave her a tiny dose of Infant Tylenol and she slept and slept and slept, and felt better the next morning. She has two major accomplishments of late: 1) she sleeps through the night (AT LAST!!!); and 2) she can turn over from her back to her tummy! We are oh so proud. :-)

Little Bit has us a bit (there it is again!) puzzled. She is not a tidy girl...not even remotely. If I could post a picture of her playroom, you would see just how much STUFF we have allowed her to accumulate over her short life. If you've ever watched "Clean House", you'll get an idea of what her bedroom and playroom are like. She comes by it honestly; I was the same way as a kid. Now that I'm grown up, I'm still not terribly tidy, but I'm not quite as messy as she is. So I bought her "Clutter Control" from American Girl. She's had it for several months but not applied any of the suggestions given in the book...till recently. We gave her some new storage in her bedroom, which gave her a place to put many of her favorite dolls and stuffed animals. I'm so impressed...she has kept her room picked up and walkable. I caught her cleaning out and organizing her notebook for school. Her bathroom is actually clean...and I didn't do it...SHE DID! She asked me if she could sweep the porch. Next she wants to tackle her playroom (which, once it's done, will be Baby Bit's room. I think she has forgotten this fact.). I am fairly certain that an alien has been switched out for Little Bit.

Finally, the COOLEST thing EVER happened to The HOFFER. HE HAS A TROPHY NAMED IN HIS HONOR! Is that not WAY COOL???? Here is the announcement that was made about the trophy:

We have a special surprise this year! It has been in the making for several years. It is our new "best of show" trophy. It is being named the Cash Matthews trophy. We picked Cash because of his Oklahoma background and if you have ever met him you would know there is no other individual who deserves this more! Right attitude, loves god and family and is a top notch representative for BMX. In the years Past we have also let Cash and the current ABA Hall of famers pick the winner. This year it will probably be half Cash/HOL and half fan favorite vote! If you win the trophy you can keep it for the following year for display with your bike. There will also be a number plate on the bars to keep forever that will have info on sponsors and to be a excellent thing to hang on the bike. The only thing we ask is that the trophy be returned by Oct. 1, 2008 to be engraved with the 08 winners info. This thing is huge and weighs a ton! LOL, so be prepared to ship it back if you win out! We would like to thank thumperpilot and the ABA for all the help they give to make this a fun deal for everyone. Also thanks to Osrlracer for his help in years past. BMX cyclery of Sand Springs,, and HRP number plates for letting us use some logos and for all the good work they do! And thanks to Cash for letting us put his name on the trophy.

What else can you say about something like that except "HOW COOL!!!!"!

Gotta go pick up Little Bit from school. More on the trophy thing, as well as the girls, soon.


The Daily Bee said...

We need more pictures to see just how tall Baby Bit is getting!!

Little Bit is doing her "nesting" later. lol. She's probably just working off those growing pains.

Very cool on the Hoffer trophy!

Becky said...

Awww, sounds like the baby is healthy and hearty and growing like a weed!

Sometimes with kids learning to take has to be their idea, lol. That's the way it is with Jericho. We just keep waiting for him to finally do it and stick with it, lol.

Congrats to Hoffer on the trophy props!

Shauna said...

Wow! Congrats to you on getting FULL NIGHTS OF SLEEP! Baby Bit sounds like she is healthy and happy. Can't wait to see the pics.

LOL! Little Bit and I are at the same place. I JUST started getting into the organizing thing. A friend came and helped me do my kitchen and now I've caught the fever. Perhaps LB and I should exchange tips. ;-)

CONGRATULATIONS TO THE HOFFER!! That is a HUGE honor! I am so happy for you!

Katybug said...

Hey Deb!!! I am DYYYYYIINNNNGGG to show her off, ESPECIALLY in those little goodies you sent!!!

Becky, you are SOOOOO RIGHT!!! The HOFFER has a saying he learned several years back: The teacher appears when the student is ready. Little Bit was just ready, I guess.

SHAUNA-BUG!!! I am so fortunate that BOTH of my girls are good sleepers. I can function without food; I can't function without sleep. As for LB, I think the American Girl book helped, but I also think watching several episodes of "Clean House" with me made an impact as well!!! LOVE IT!